Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

JMAT Premium Sdn. Bhd. (1394162-X) (“JMAT”) takes the privacy and confidentiality of the users of this website seriously. It is emphasized to the users of this website that they read this privacy policy (the “Policy”) carefully before using any services provided in this website. By accessing and using the services in this website, the users acknowledges that they have read, understood and agreed to the contents written in this Policy.

1.Personal Data Collection

1.1During the course of using the website and services provided therein, we may collect, store and use your personal information which includes, but not limited to, the following:

1.1.1 Any personal information that you may choose to send to us in the course of using our website;

1.1.2 Any information relating to the purchasing of insurance products and/or services through the website;

1.1.3 Any information about your computer and/or about your visits to and use of this website which may include your IP address, geographical location, length of visit, page views and website navigation paths;

1.1.4 Any communication that you may send to us or through our website;

1.1.5 Any other personal information which you may choose to send us in the course of using our website.

2.Usage of Personal Information

2.1Personal information provided to us or to our website by you will be used for, but not limited to, the following purposes:

2.1.1 Administer the website;

2.1.2 Enable you to use the website;

2.1.3 Sending notifications through e-mail to you;

2.1.4 Sending marketing and non-marketing commercial communications to you;

2.1.5 To provide sufficient information to us to identify the user of the website;

2.1.6 To deal with any questions or complaints made by the users in relation to our website;

2.1.7 To be kept and stored to prevent fraud and to secure our website for our legal and compliance requirements;

2.1.8 For internal purposes such as data analysis, research and auditing to enhance services provided by JMAT;

2.1.9 To fulfill the user’s orders on the sale and purchase of insurance products provided on the website;

2.1.10 Disclosed to relevant governmental authorities and enforcement agencies if it is legally required to do so or to comply with any court order.

2.2 We hereby expressly guarantee that without your consent, we shall not supply any of your personal information to any unrelated third party for their own purposes unless it is required by law to do so.

3.Disclosing of Personal Information

3.1All your personal information provided to us may, if required, be processed by any of our employees, officers, professional advisers and agents (the “Authorised Personnel”). We guarantee that access to such personal information will only be released and used by the Authorised Personnel to fulfil any of their job requirements. It is further guaranteed that only necessary personal information shall be supplied to the Authorised Personnel depending on the job requirement at hand.

3.2We may from time to time disclose your personal information in the following situations:

3.2.1 To the extent we are required to do so by any law, governmental and/or enforcement agencies;

3.2.2 When there are any ongoing or prospective legal proceedings and such disclosure is necessary to assist in such legal proceedings;

3.2.3 To establish and defend our legal rights when necessary;

3.2.4 To any person where it is reasonably believed that the said person may apply or have applied to a court or other competent authority for an order to disclose personal information.

4.Data Transfers

4.1Personal information submitted by you shall be collected, stored and processed by us and may be transferred to other countries outside of Malaysia depending on the location of the server(s) to secure and safeguard your personal information which have been submitted to us.

4.2You expressly agree to the transfers of personal information as described in this Clause 4.

5.Retaining Personal Information

5.1Personal information which you provide to us for any purposes shall not be kept longer than necessary for that purposes..

5.2We will retain your personal information as long as may be necessary to protect the interests of JMAT and/or its Authorised Personnel as may be deemed necessary, or where it is required by the law.

5.3Your personal information will also be retained in such circumstances:

5.3.1 we are required by any existing laws to do so;

5.3.2 we believe that the personal information may be relevant to any ongoing or prospective legal proceedings;

5.3.3 it is to establish and defend our legal rights when necessary.

6.Security of Personal Information

6.1We warrant and guarantee that we will take all reasonable steps and measures to prevent loss, misuse or alteration of your personal information by any unauthorised person.

6.2We further warrant and guarantee that all personal information submitted to us shall be stored in our secured servers.

6.3Notwithstanding Clauses 6.2 and 6.3, it is understood that any information transmitted over the internet is inherently insecure. As such, you understand that we cannot give you a full guarantee on the security of any form of data sent over to us by you through the internet.

7.Use of Cookies

7.1By visiting and using this website, you acknowledge that cookies may be installed in your computer. Cookies are files that records information such as browsing of the website from that computer or to collect Internet log information and visitor behaviour information. You may delete cookies installed on your computer at any time by configuring your browser software. Please take not that you may not benefit from some of the services on this website if cookies are uninstalled or prevented from being installed on your computer.


8.1You understand and acknowledge that there may be changes made to this privacy policy from time to time. When we do so, we will update and publish the latest version of this privacy policy on the website.

8.2You are advised to check this privacy policy from time to time to keep yourself updated with the latest changes in this privacy policy. We may also notify you of the changes made to this privacy policy through our website.

9.Your Rights

9.1You may instruct us to provide you with your personal information which has been submitted to us provided that you supply us evidence as to your identity (identification card, passport or any other forms of documents which may proof the validity of your identity). You may also be required to make a payment for this service.

9.2Notwithstanding Clause 9.1, we may still withhold any personal information that you may have requested to the extent as permitted by law.

10.Exclusion of Liability

10.1You agree to not hold us liable for any violation, breach or non-compliance with any precepts of privacy or the protection of Personal Data in the following situations:

10.1.1 Where an act of nature is involved or any unforeseeable circumstances has occurred, resulting in the malfunction, damage or destruction of any equipment and/or machinery which is used to secure, store or process personal data or information from the users;

10.2.1 Where the personal data or information is already available or able to be found by the public before any personal data or information of such kind has been submitted to us;

10.3.1 Where after every reasonable effort and attempt has been made by us to verify, secure and safeguard any personal data and information submitted to us, there is unauthorised access, hacking, misuse, modification, alteration, tampering or abuse of such personal data and information caused by malicious, fraudulent or criminal acts of any kind or misconduct of a third party not being under our control or instruction.

11.Contact Information

11.1If you have any questions about this privacy policy you may contact us at [email protected]